
We help companies obtain financing or attract investors from various sources: EU funds, venture capital funds, private investors, business angels, banks and other domestic and foreign credit institutions.

We provide the following services:

• Analysing the possibilities of obtaining finance or a loan, and identifying the most appropriate source of financing for the activity,

• Finding a bank, credit union or other source,

• Preparing a business plan/investment project as per bank/credit union/other source recommendations,

• Representing the client in negotiating financing or loan terms,

• Helping prepare all the documents required for the transaction.

Investment and business plans are prepared taking into account the nature of the company, and the scale and specifics of its activities. At the Client’s request, the specialists of the European Union Support Centre can assess the market value of the business.

We have been successful in attracting financing and obtaining loans for business projects (starting a business, expanding a business, financing working capital) by working with potential investors and credit institutions.

We invite you to consult on any issue regarding obtaining a loan and other business financing.

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